Friday, April 13, 2012

Update Time!

So the semester's passed and its exam time! I haven't updated this blog in a whole 3 months :( Partly due to the reason I started it in the first place --> procrastination. I did not get the 4.0 GPA i dreamed about. I think I might end up with a 3.6 ...:( No Dean's list for me this year. I have to sharpen up.

Plans for the summer include:

1. Research Project (secured)
2. Physics half course
3. Part-time job (I've never had one before..kinda scared)
4. Reduce waist line and become more fit. I will post details later...

I want this summer to be all about growth. I want to grow into a mature individual who can stand up to challanges, no matetr how scared she is. Someone who is able to meet people without getting scared..someone who can look at people straight in the eyes.

YAY...motivation mode.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Beginning...

How I Spend My Time Right Now:

- Facebook/9gag
- Browsing the internet looking for self-help
- TV shows : The Office, Big Bang Theory, Vampire Diaries
- Some Studying (last minute)
The first two take up an ENORMOUS amount of time (I'm sure if you've ever been on 9gag, you've seen all the posts about not being able to get off it). In addition to the last one, I'm in deep trouble.

I study at University (3rd Year) and I really need to change my lifestyle. I want to get better grades and get involved in more constructive hobbies. I also want to do more things with my friends...the few that I have. So my goals for this semester are:

1. 4.0 GPA (from a 3.14 GPA last semester)
2. Read all my books for my bookclub
3. Exercise Daily
4. Go out maybe once every 2 weeks. (My going out could even be eating lunch with a friend...I don't get out a lot)
5. Find a summer occupation (I already know I'm studying for the MCAT but I need something else, like research)

Some may think my goals are unrealistic...maybe they are. But I will try anyways. I will keep you updated everyday about what I do that day and what I've accomplished. I want to live a full life as I felt I haven't lived for the past 3 years...ever since high school. I've been a zombie. I need to change.